
Shortcuts and History

CTRL+A  # move to beginning of line
CTRL+B  # moves backward one character
CTRL+C  # halts the current command
CTRL+D  # deletes one character backward or logs out of current session, similar to exit
CTRL+E  # moves to end of line
CTRL+F  # moves forward one character
CTRL+G  # aborts the current editing command and ring the terminal bell
CTRL+H  # deletes one character under cursor (same as DELETE)
CTRL+J  # same as RETURN
CTRL+K  # deletes (kill) forward to end of line
CTRL+L  # clears screen and redisplay the line
CTRL+M  # same as RETURN
CTRL+N  # next line in command history
CTRL+O  # same as RETURN, then displays next line in history file
CTRL+P  # previous line in command history
CTRL+Q  # resumes suspended shell output
CTRL+R  # searches backward
CTRL+S  # searches forward or suspends shell output
CTRL+T  # transposes two characters
CTRL+U  # kills backward from point to the beginning of line
CTRL+V  # makes the next character typed verbatim
CTRL+W  # kills the word behind the cursor
CTRL+X  # lists the possible filename completions of the current word
CTRL+Y  # retrieves (yank) last item killed
CTRL+Z  # stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in the background
ALT+B   # moves backward one word
ALT+D   # deletes next word
ALT+F   # moves forward one word
ALT+H   # deletes one character backward
ALT+T   # transposes two words
ALT+.   # pastes last word from the last command. Pressing it repeatedly traverses through command history.
ALT+U   # capitalizes every character from the current cursor position to the end of the word
ALT+L   # uncapitalizes every character from the current cursor position to the end of the word
ALT+C   # capitalizes the letter under the cursor. The cursor then moves to the end of the word.
ALT+R   # reverts any changes to a command you’ve pulled from your history if you’ve edited it.
ALT+?   # list possible completions to what is typed
ALT+^   # expand line to most recent match from history
CTRL+X then (   # start recording a keyboard macro
CTRL+X then )   # finish recording keyboard macro
CTRL+X then E   # recall last recorded keyboard macro
CTRL+X then CTRL+E   # invoke text editor (specified by $EDITOR) on current command line then execute resultes as shell commands
CTRL+A then D  # logout from screen but don't kill it, if any command exist, it will continue
BACKSPACE  # deletes one character backward
DELETE     # deletes one character under cursor

Shows command line history


Repeats the last command


Refers to command line 'n'


Exits and saves script

esc :wq

Refers to command starting with 'string'


Logs out of current session


On this page