Arithmetic Operators
Symbol | Operation | Valid Types |
+ | Sum | integers, floats, complex values, strings |
- | Difference | integers, floats, complex values |
* | Product | integers, floats, complex values |
/ | Quotient | integers, floats, complex values |
% | Remainder | integers |
& | Bitwise AND | integers |
` | integers | Bitwise OR |
^ | Bitwise XOR | integers |
&^ | Bit clear (AND NOT) | integers |
<< | Left shift | integer << unsigned integer |
>> | Right shift | integer >> unsigned integer |
Comparison Operators
Symbol | Operation |
== | Equal |
!= | Not equal |
< | Less |
<= | Less or equal |
> | Greater |
>= | Greater or equal |
Logical Operators
Symbol | Operation |
&& | Conditional AND |
` | Conditional OR |
! | NOT |