

Basic commands

Initialize a new git repository

git init

Clone and create a local copy of a remote repository

git clone <replace this with the url>

Configure global Git settings

git config --global <setting_name> <value>

Configure local Git settings for a specific repo

git config --local <setting_name> <value>

Advanced Commands

Show a summary of your Git configuration settings

git config --list

Set a custom text editor for Git messages

git config --global core.editor "<editor_command>"

Create a Git command alias

git config --global alias.<shortcut> <command>

Enable automatic colorization of Git output

git config --global color.ui auto

Cache Git credentials for a certain amount of time

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=<seconds>'

Configure git to detect specific types of whitespace errors

git config --global core.whitespace <options>

Automatically prune remote-tracking branches when fetching updates

git config --global fetch.prune true

Set a custom diff tool for Git

git config --global diff.tool <tool>

Set a custom merge tool for Git

git config --global merge.tool <tool>

Compare changes using a custom diff tool

git difftool

Resolve merge conflicts with a custom merge tool

git mergetool

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