
Conditional Statements

If / Else

i := 1
if i > 0 {
    // Condition is True! i is greater than zero
} else {
    // Condition is False! i is lower or equal to zero

Else if

i := 1
if i > 0 {
    // Condition is True! i is greater than zero
} else if i > 0 && i < 2 {
    // Condition is True! i greater than zero and lower than two
} else if i > 1 && i < 4 {
    // Condition is True! i greater than one and lower than four
} else {
    // None of the above conditions is True, so it falls here


text := 'hey'
switch text {
    case 'hey':
        // 'Hello!'
    case 'bye':
        // 'Byee'
        // 'Ok'

Switch without Condition

value := 5
switch {
    case value < 2:
        // 'Hello!'
    case value >= 2 && value < 6:
        // 'Byee'
        // 'Ok'

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